Monday, April 23, 2007

Thunder Over Louisville

The largest display of fireworks in North America is here in Louisville and marks the kick-off of the Derby festivities. There were an estimated 800,000 people there! It was 30 minutes of highly choreographed pyrotechnics. This photo is not in any way representative, but I think it's visually interesting. Right around sunset a volley of the snappers was sent up. This is some of them going off.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

On-Line Photos

At the urging of a couple 0n-line friends I have opened a Flickr account in order to post more photos. The link is to the right. I have included some of the same ones that are in the Tribe album, but also some different ones. I had many more to post but had already reached my monthly quota and was prevented.

Yesterday I purchased a zoom lens to go with my new Nikon. I'm hoping to have it by Monday. Being able to use a good telephoto lens is one of the reasons I upgraded cameras.