Monday, October 22, 2007

Just Because

Taking Time, Taking Photos

I spent some quality time this weekend with my camera. The foliage got a slow start this year but has made up for it in this last week. I'm still experimenting with the camera settings and haven't been able to nail some of the photos I wanted, but I'm enjoying the practice.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Crash and Burn

My father is 62 years old. A while back he purchased a kit to make a bike motorized. The engine is very small, but will get the bike up to 25-30 mph when opened up. Yesterday I got a call from him on his cell phone saying that he'd dumped the bike. A stranger picked him up and dropped him off back home. I drove him to the hospital to get him checked out as he'd landed pretty hard and was fairly scrapped up. Fortunately he was wearing a helmet (you'll see it on the bike seat and note that is saved his melon). He checked out fine - nothing broken. He has substantial swelling on his hip, but was told there's no serious injury.

When we retrieved the bike we found that the front fender had fallen off and its support posts and wound themselves around the wheel collapsing it.

I bet he's really sore today when he wakes up.